Saturday, 1 December 2012

Glass my other material

"but it was Le Corbusier who claimed that the history of architecture was the history of the window, and of the search for light." [Glass, Light & Space, Crafts Council]
Glass  is one of the simplified materials that I appreciate. It can be made by many different manufacturing processes, some of which I recall include extruded, blown, rolled,  pressed and cast  making the glass rigid without being fully crystallised. As most of us know, glass is an ancient material first used five thousand years ago.

Historical and aesthetic aspects enforce me to choose it primarily for my structure. In my project, the frame-views of the area include a river, historic buildings, contemporary structures, people, numerous transportation means and centre's vibrancy encourage me to choose translucent element with safety and sustainable considerations to satisfy my taste and meet the project's brief.

 I love how simple, pure, powerful and honest the glass manifests to designers, architects, spectators, occupiers etc...imagine people could be this pure and honest .wow.